It’s Time

“Our CD is called ‘It’s Time’ because we live in urgent times,” French said. “And we didn’t say what it’s time for, because you know what it’s time for — you know and I know. You know what you’re supposed to do, and we want you to do what you’re supposed to do. And we’re doing what we’re supposed to do. And when everybody does that, the world, it’s already changing but it’s going to come quicker.”
Released October 30, 2012
Label: Self-released
Format: CD, Album
Country: USA
Genre: Son Jarocho, Hip Hop, Latin, Funk / Soul, Folk, World, & Country
It's Time Lyrics
El Chuchumbe fue penado
Por el color de su piel
Como no tenia dinero
Lo metieron en la carcel
Que te vaya bien o mal
El chucumbe te va agarrar
En rumbo hacia Arizona
No se que vaya pasar
Si me ven con mi jarana
La migra me va agarrar
Que te vaya bien o mal
El chucumbe te va agarrar
En el nombre de Maria
En el nombre de Jose
Asi como acaba el dia
Se acaba el Chuchumbe
Que te vaya bien o mal
El chucumbe te va agarrar
Bailen -Bailen
Bailen- Bailen
Mujeres de luna
Bailan- Bailan
Bailan- Bailan
Que la vida es una
Bailan- Bailan
Bailan- Bailan
Mujeres de tierra
Bailan- Bailan
Bailan- Bailan
Con Las Cafeteras
Yo le canto a las mujeres mis hermanas compañeras
Yo les canto a las mujeres mis hermanas compañeras
Somos fuertes luchadores brillando por las estrellas
Somos fuertes luchadores brillando por las estrellas
Bailen, bailen mujeres de luna
Bailen, bailen mujeres de luna
Bailen, bailen que la vida es una
Bailen, bailen que la vida es una
Bailen, Bailen el café con pan
Bailen, Bailen el café con pan
Café con pan, café con pan
Café café con pan
Café con pan, café con pan
Café café con pan
Salgan a bailar mujeres que la música les llama
Salgan a bailar mujeres que la música les llama
El músico que les toca se les va por la mañana
El músico que les toca se les va por la mañana
Bailen Bailen Mujeres de Luna
Bailen Bailen Mujeres de Luna
Bailen, Bailen que la vida es una
Bailen, Bailen que la vida es una
Bailen, bailen el café con pan
Bailen, bailen el café con pan
Café, café, café, café, café, café
Café con pan, café con pan, café , café con pan
Walk with me luna
Walk with me luna
So the story goes that my heart met yours
You touched my soul
It’s you I adore
It’s your beauty where I feel most free
It’s you and me and it’s plain to see
I do I do I do I do
I love you
I do I do I do I do
I love you
Won’t you walk with me
Luna through the dark
Won’t you walk with me
Luna through the park
Won’t you take my hand
Help me understand
Take my hand
luna, luna, luna, luna luna
Luna, luna, luna, luna
I love you
I do, I do, I love you (Repeat)Walk me through your land
Luna, Luna
Well I’ve traveled so far across the land
And I’m asking you to stand
Stand by my side
And come along
With me down the river
Singing this song
Won’t you walk with me
Luna through the park
Won’t you walk with me
Luna though the dark
Won’t you take my hand
Help me understand
Won’t you take my hand
Walk me through your land
Hope this night will never ever end
Maybe we can be more than friends
Tell me words of truth and mystery
Keep me here inside this memory
Where the grass is green and the sky is high
Won’t you tell me tonight that you won’t say goodbye
And we’ll fly, we will fly luna thru the sky
We will fly, We will fly luna thru the sky
We will fly…….
We will fly luna luna
We will fly luna, luna
Te pareces a la flor
Que tumba la berenjena
Si probaras de mi amor
Veras que cosa tan buena
Tiene sabor coyol
Y olor de yerba buena
Lero Le
Quisiera ser mariposa
Quisiera ser maripos
Para poder yo volar
Pero pa’ que quiero alas
Digo pa’ que quiero alas
Si vuelo al zapatear
Si vuelo al zapatear
Con la voz de un mestizo
Y jarana de madera
Soy versador fronterizo
Cantando a la frontera
Por mi pueblo que no quizo
Abandonar su bandera
Ya me voy…sin dinero…ya me voy…yo no quiero…Pero Ya me voy,
Ya me voy, yo no quiero, sin dinero, tengo miedo, pero voy
Para norte ya me voy,
Por el jale ya me voy,
No se donde pero voy,
Ya me voy (4X)
No te vayas mi querido, con carino, te suplico,
No te vayas,
A morir en las montanas,
El desierto no perdona
Ni tampoco Arizona,
No te vayas (4X)
Ya me voy, yo no quiero, sin dinero, por mi sueno, ya me voy
En la tarde ya me voy,
Con la luna ya me voy,
Tengo miedo pero voy,
Ya me voy (4X)
No te vayas, no te vayas, no te vayas, mi madre no te vayas,
Con la cara maquilada,
con la boca muy rosada,
con la negra mini falda ama, no te vayas ama,
No te vayas (4X)
Ya, ya, ya me voy (6X)
Sin dinero, yo no quiero, pero ya me voy, ya me voy
Your hystory books got it all wrong
So i come to you with this song
En 1810 con el gran grito de pasion
Se llevantaron con razon,
Black and brown fighting together, on a day ill always remember
En el 5 de Mayo con el grito de gallo,
Black, white and Brown bleeding together, on a day ill always remember,
Cause really, it hasn’t been that long,
So just in case Kat Williams has you guessin’
Let me kick yall down with a little hystory lesson
In the 19th Century, while the US promoted degradation, annihilation with its military and US navy,
Mexico was getting rid of the caste system, voted for its 1st indigenous President, even getting rid of Legalized Slavery,
The Underground Railroad also ran south,
Which led Black folx to freedom,
With Mexico right there, to recieve them
In 1910 it was Mexican men, with Pancho Villa and Zapata,
Fighting for Tierra, Libertad y Techo
With Adelitas on the Front Lines with Bullets across their pecho
In the Year 1946, it was the Mendez that fought against segregation in schools,
cause before that, they treated us like foolz
Pushing us out into Gangs, Wars and Drugs,
And then get they get pissed off at US!
When we become Crips and Bloods,
Traviesos, zoot suiters, pachuchos, folkloristas, punks, bomberas,
Jaraneras in the heat, jaraneros with a bomb ass beat,
Talking about what’s really going on in the streets
In the 60’s in the streets of Oakland California, Black Panthers organized for Answers
Young Lords in New York fought against wars,
The Stonewall Rebellion remained true to the rights of the LGBTQ
A.I.M who was down with Native Rights with no shame in their game,
Brown Berets in LA learning how to fight, and doing what’s right,
In the Campos of California, Fillipinos were the 1st ones to lay down the Boycott,
Screaming in Solidarity, ISANG Bk SAK!
One Rise, One Fall, You come for one, you come for all!
And today, Arizona and Alabama don’t play,
Carving out Racist laws like its make out of clay
I stand with Emmitt, Trayvon, Oscar, and Bell,
With my mentor, Mumia up in the cell,
Telling you id rather be blind that to stay quiet on a day where my people are hunt down like prey
Cause my ability to breathe is directly connected to my ability to see,
That its not about me, never was, never will be,
Its about ‘WE’
It’s Time to Move Ya’ll,
It’s Movement Time!
Es la Bamba Rebelde
Es la Bamba Rebelde que cantare
Porque somos Chicanos
Porque somos Chicanos de East L.A.
Ay arriba y arriba
Ay arriba y arriba y arriba ire
Yo no creo en fronteras
Yo no creo en fronteras
Yo cruzare
Yo cruzare
Yo cruzare
Es la bamba senores (X2)
La melodia
Que nos pone en el alma (X2)
Mucho alegria
Ay arriba y arriba
Ay arriba y arriba y arriba ire
Yo no soy marinero
Yo no soy marinero
Soy Capitan
Soy Capitan
Soy Capitan
Ya no llores llorona (2X)
Mi gente lucha contra leyes racista
Contra leyes racista
En Arizona
Ay arriba y arriba
Ay arriba y arriba y arriba ire
Yo no so de la migra (2X)
Ni lo sere (3X)
Yo, si, vengo del valle
Yo si vengo del valle de San Gabriel
Porque alli nos creamos
Nuestra familia
Ay arriba y arriba
Ay arriba y arriba y arriba ire
Yo no soy marineo (2X)
Soy chicano (3X)
Mi Chicana Preciosa (2X)
Mi adoracion la que tiene cautivo mi corazon
La que tiene cautivo mi corazon
Ay arriba y arriba
Ay arriba y arriba y arriba ire
Yo no soy por la guerra (2X)
Ni apoyare (3X)
El hombre que yo quierro (X2)
Es un viajero
Y me toca la bamba (X2)
Con el requinto
Ay arriba y arriba
Ay arriba y arriba y arriba ire
Yo como Las Cafeteras (2X)
Yo Luchare
Yo Cantare
Yo Bailare
ENGLISH Translation
It’s the Rebellious Bamba
It’s the Rebellios Bamba that I will sing
Because we are Chicanos
Because we are Chicanos From East LA
Up higher and higher
Up higher and higher … I will go
Because I don’t believe in borders
I don’t believe in borders
I will cross them (3X)
It’s the Bamba my friends
It’s the Bamba my friends
The Melody
That brings to our spirits
That brings to our spirits so much joy
Up higher and higher
Up higher and higher … I will go
I am not the sailor
I am not the sailor
I am the Captain (3X)
Please don’t cry weeping woman
Our people are fighting against racism
Against racism in Arizona
Up higher and higher
Up higher and higher … I will go
I am not from La Migra
And will never be
I come from the valley
I come from the San Gabriel Valley
Because that’s where I was created
Where I was created by my family
Up higher and higher
Up higher and higher … I will go
I am not a sailor
I am not a sailor
I am Chicano (3X)
My precious Chicana
My adoration
My adoration that has captured my heart
Up higher and higher
Up higher and higher we go
I am not for war
And I will never support them
The man w I love
Is a traveling man
Who play me La Bamba
With his requinto
Up higher and higher
Up higher and higher we go
Like Las Cafeteras
I will fight
I will sing
I will dance
Petenera Petenera quien te pudiera cantar
Petenera Petenera quien te pudiera cantar
Ojala que yo pudiera siquiera medio entonar
Como canta la sirena cuando canta por la mar
Navegando por aqui
Mire aquella estrellita
Me puse a pensar en ti
Nadando mi sirenita
Las ninas y las mujeres
Solo pedimos justicia
Nos dejan con los que-haceres
Y un golpe de caricia
Caminar es peligroso
En los desiertos de Juarez
El govierno es poderoso
Mientras mueren las mujeres
Cada paso que camino
Me lleva a la libertad
Llegare a mi destino
Donde en paz podre estar
Vivo lucha muxerista
Mi existir tiene razon
Sobrevivo la conquista
Tengo gran fuerza y pasion
Yo no vengo a disculparme
Mujer soy, y lo sere
Solo vengo a declararle
Que quieta nunca estare
En la casa …
En la calle…
El desierto …y
Mujer, Mujer, Mujer, Mujer
Hombre, Hombre, Hombre, Hombre
Trabajador, Trabajadora, Trabajador, Trabajadora,
Trabajador…….Trabajadora, Trabajador, Trabajadora, Trabajador
Este son va dedicado (x3)
Al hombre y la mujer (x2)
Dedicando su trabajo (x2)
Sin el orgullo perder (x3)
Trabajador, Trabajadora (x3)……
Trabajadora, Trabajador (x2)
Alarm clock volume’s up
Gotta fill that coffee cup
Caffeinated just enough
Stretch and send a prayer up
For your kids and family
To be safe be strong & be healthy
And one day we will be set free
But right now you got a whole house of mouths to feed
Time is really runnin’ thin
Can you fit a breakfast in
Lucky if you see your kids
Deep breathe take this moment in
Out the door & on your way
Off you go another day,
Gotta be on point today
And update that resume
Cuz this recession is a test
they’re making cuts & now they want more for less
So if you start to feel that extra stress
Just do your best, and leave the rest
Cuz our ancestors did it too
Somehow they all made it through
Something that we all must do
Keep hope alive you’ll make it too
So in case nobody told you on your job today
In case nobody told you on your job today
Las Cafeteras would like to say
Thank you
Thank you
To our mothers who sacrifice to make ends meet
And our fathers who faithfully take care of their seeds
Now the farmworkers the food you harvest keeps us alive
Thank you
And our teachers training their students to excel and survive
Thank you
From cooks waiters & bakers for our daily bread
To TA’s assistants & those teaching special ed
Bus drivers getting us to work on time
From djs breakers, writers & MCs who rhyme
Students w/ 2 jobs hittin those books at night
And the organizers bringing us together to fight
Heya Heyo Heya Heya (x9)…….
Heya Heya He-ya (x4)
Heya, Trabajador
Heye Heya, Trabajadora
Trabajar es una lucha
Nuestra gente bien lo sabe
Pero se ve y se escuchar
Que aqui solo fuerza cabe
Campasino bajo el sol
La fruta pisca sudando
Profesora en el salon
A los ninos educando
Trabajar es una lucha
Nuestra gente bien lo sabe
Pero se ve y se escuchar
Que aqui solo fuerza cabe (x7)
Trabajador, Trabajadora (x6)
Trabajador (x2)
Trabajadora (x2)
Trabajador (x2)
Trabajadora (x2)
Trabajador, Trabajadora
Ohhh. Ahhh. (x4)
There was once a nice iguana
Who lived right beside my home
The iguana loved to travel
And walked all the way to Rome
They say the iguana’s green
But I don’t think it is true
So one day I grabbed its tale
And then found out it was blue
Oh my iguana
Where do you go?
Traveling thru
The lands below
Maybe its true
Maybe its not
All the things
I’ve heard a lot
When you return
There’s nothing new
Always remember
Wear your red shoes
There will be things
To find and seek
Ask the neighbor
to look in the sink
A la heya heya. Al heya heya heya heya
And you move your head
A la heya heya
Show me how you move it
A la heya heya
Move your little shoulders
A la heya heya
Move them up and down
A la heya heya
And you move your elbows
A la heya heya
Like the funky chicken
A la heya heya
And you move your arms
A la heya heya
Like a disco dancer
A la heya heya
And you move your hips
A la heya heya
Like a hula dancer
A la heya heya
Move your little belly
Al la heya heya
Like a belly dancer
A la heya heya
And you move your knees
A la heya heya
Like your Michael Jackson
A la heya heya
And you move your feet
A la heya heya
Like a tap dancer
A la heya heya
Hectors Verse
Dicen que Iguana muerde
Pero yo digo que no,
Hay un hombre que se muerde,
Y le llamen mordelon
Iguana mia
Pa’ donde vas
Que voy al pueblo de Soledad
Sera mentira or sera verdad
Lo que anda diciendo la gente de all
Que en este pueblo no hay libertad
Y si hubiera, poco sera
Con las Cafeteras
En la Vecindad